Rebecca “Beck” Klein

Rebecca “Beck” Klein (she/her)

PhD Student

Contact Information

Research Interests: Ecosystem Ecology, Community Ecology, Micro-arthropods, Soil, Sustainable Agriculture

I graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University in 2021 with a B.S in Biological Sciences with a concentration in Conservation Ecology/Biology. During my undergraduate career, I worked in Dr. Becky Ball's biogeochemistry lab, focusing on micro-arthropods and soil chemical properties from sub-arctic Finland. I started at Johns Hopkins University in Fall 2022. My PhD work is in collaboration with the project "Soil to Society Through Science", which was started and led by interdisciplinary researchers from Washington State University. My overarching goal is to better understand the interaction between agricultural management (from conventional to more "sustainable") and the diversity, abundance, and activity of soil micro-arthropod communities.