This course covers the basic theory of planetary atmospheres as applied to extrasolar planets. The fundamental physical processes related to the structure, composition, radiative transfer, chemistry and dynamics of planetary atmospheres are covered, with an emphasis on those related to observable exoplanet properties. We also provide an overview of the observational techniques of exoplanetary atmospheres and discuss the habitability of exoplanets.
Exoplanets and their Atmospheres AS.270.688 (01)
This course covers the basic theory of planetary atmospheres as applied to extrasolar planets. The fundamental physical processes related to the structure, composition, radiative transfer, chemistry and dynamics of planetary atmospheres are covered, with an emphasis on those related to observable exoplanet properties. We also provide an overview of the observational techniques of exoplanetary atmospheres and discuss the habitability of exoplanets.
Days/Times: TTh 10:30AM - 11:45AM
Instructor: Sing, David Kent
Room: Olin 145
Status: Open
Seats Available: 3/10
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.807 (02)
Sing, David Kent
Fall 2024
Research AS.270.807 (02)
Instructor: Sing, David Kent
Status: Open
Seats Available: 45/45
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.804 (01)
Independent Study
Lewis, Kevin
Fall 2024
Independent Study
Independent Study AS.270.804 (01)
Independent Study
Instructor: Lewis, Kevin
Status: Open
Seats Available: 9/10
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.679 (01)
Atmospheric Science
MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Waugh, Darryn
Olin 247
Fall 2024
A survey of core topics in atmospheric science, including dynamics, thermodynamics, radiative transfer, and chemistry. The course addresses both basic principles and applications to weather and climate. Recommended pre-requisites: General Calculus and Physics I and/or Oceans and Atmospheres.
Atmospheric Science AS.270.679 (01)
A survey of core topics in atmospheric science, including dynamics, thermodynamics, radiative transfer, and chemistry. The course addresses both basic principles and applications to weather and climate. Recommended pre-requisites: General Calculus and Physics I and/or Oceans and Atmospheres.
Days/Times: MW 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Waugh, Darryn
Room: Olin 247
Status: Open
Seats Available: 6/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.644 (01)
Physics of Climate Variability
TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Gnanadesikan, Anand; Kurtakoti, Prajvala Kishore
Olin 145
Fall 2024
Earth’s climate varies over a wide range of time scales. Some of these variations, like rainy or dry summers, are a familiar part of daily life. Others, like the ice ages, have profoundly shaped the evolution of culture and ecosystems, but are largely invisible to us today. Climate variability complicates our ability to detect and attribute changes due to anthropogenic impacts. However, building systems that are resilient to variability may also help with mitigating such impacts. This course covers a range of climate variations, focusing on understanding the mechanisms and impacts of particular modes of variability.
Physics of Climate Variability AS.270.644 (01)
Earth’s climate varies over a wide range of time scales. Some of these variations, like rainy or dry summers, are a familiar part of daily life. Others, like the ice ages, have profoundly shaped the evolution of culture and ecosystems, but are largely invisible to us today. Climate variability complicates our ability to detect and attribute changes due to anthropogenic impacts. However, building systems that are resilient to variability may also help with mitigating such impacts. This course covers a range of climate variations, focusing on understanding the mechanisms and impacts of particular modes of variability.
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students present their latest research results and attend Departmental seminars. This course is required for all graduate students in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
EPS Colloquium AS.270.605 (01)
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students present their latest research results and attend Departmental seminars. This course is required for all graduate students in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Instructor: Gnanadesikan, Anand
Room: Olin 305
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/50
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.618 (01)
Remote Sensing of the Environment
MF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, W 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Karimi, Saman; Lewis, Kevin; Zaitchik, Benjamin Frederick
Krieger 108
Fall 2024
This course is an introduction to the use of remote sensing technology to study Earth’s physical and biochemical processes. Topics covered include remote sensing of the atmosphere, land and oceans, as well as remote sensing as a tool for policy makers. Also offered as 270.318.
Remote Sensing of the Environment AS.270.618 (01)
This course is an introduction to the use of remote sensing technology to study Earth’s physical and biochemical processes. Topics covered include remote sensing of the atmosphere, land and oceans, as well as remote sensing as a tool for policy makers. Also offered as 270.318.
Days/Times: MF 10:00AM - 10:50AM, W 10:00AM - 10:50AM
Instructor: Karimi, Saman; Lewis, Kevin; Zaitchik, Benjamin Frederick
Room: Krieger 108
Status: Open
Seats Available: 1/12
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.662 (01)
Seminar in Planetary Science
F 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Horst, Sarah
Olin 145
Fall 2024
This is a discussion-based course in which students take turns leading the discussion of planetary science journal articles and other relevant publications.
Seminar in Planetary Science AS.270.662 (01)
This is a discussion-based course in which students take turns leading the discussion of planetary science journal articles and other relevant publications.
Days/Times: F 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructor: Horst, Sarah
Room: Olin 145
Status: Open
Seats Available: 8/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.807 (03)
Szlavecz, Katalin
Fall 2024
Research AS.270.807 (03)
Instructor: Szlavecz, Katalin
Status: Open
Seats Available: 44/45
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.606 (01)
EPS Colloquium
TTh 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Gnanadesikan, Anand
Olin 305
Spring 2025
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students present their latest research results and attend Departmental seminars. This course is required for all graduate students in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
EPS Colloquium AS.270.606 (01)
A weekly seminar series in which graduate students present their latest research results and attend Departmental seminars. This course is required for all graduate students in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.
Days/Times: TTh 12:00PM - 12:50PM
Instructor: Gnanadesikan, Anand
Room: Olin 305
Status: Open
Seats Available: 7/50
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.360.671 (01)
Planets, Life and the Universe
MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM
DiRuggiero, Jocelyne; Norman, Colin
Krieger 180
Fall 2024
This multidisciplinary course explores the origins of life, planet formation, Earth's evolution, extrasolar planets, habitable zones, life in extreme environments, the search for life in the Universe, space missions, and planetary protection. Recommended Course Background: Three upper level (300+) courses in sciences (Biophysics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Math, or Computer Science).
Planets, Life and the Universe AS.360.671 (01)
This multidisciplinary course explores the origins of life, planet formation, Earth's evolution, extrasolar planets, habitable zones, life in extreme environments, the search for life in the Universe, space missions, and planetary protection. Recommended Course Background: Three upper level (300+) courses in sciences (Biophysics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Math, or Computer Science).
Days/Times: MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM
Instructor: DiRuggiero, Jocelyne; Norman, Colin
Room: Krieger 180
Status: Open
Seats Available: 2/5
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.655 (01)
Baltimore Environmental Data Analysis
TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Waugh, Darryn; Zaitchik, Benjamin Frederick
Olin 304
Spring 2025
The Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative (BSEC) aims to develop climate action plans for Baltimore that also improve the well-being of those who live in historically underserved neighborhoods. To achieve this goal an extensive and diverse range of environmental measurements are being made in and around Baltimore City. This course will introduce the science within BSEC, the measurements being made to address this science, and approaches used to analyze these data, including time series, spatial, and multivariate analysis. Students will perform data analysis projects using the BSEC and other data for Baltimore. Topics will be tailored to the student interest. No previous connection with BSEC required.
Baltimore Environmental Data Analysis AS.270.655 (01)
The Baltimore Social-Environmental Collaborative (BSEC) aims to develop climate action plans for Baltimore that also improve the well-being of those who live in historically underserved neighborhoods. To achieve this goal an extensive and diverse range of environmental measurements are being made in and around Baltimore City. This course will introduce the science within BSEC, the measurements being made to address this science, and approaches used to analyze these data, including time series, spatial, and multivariate analysis. Students will perform data analysis projects using the BSEC and other data for Baltimore. Topics will be tailored to the student interest. No previous connection with BSEC required.
Days/Times: TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Waugh, Darryn; Zaitchik, Benjamin Frederick
Room: Olin 304
Status: Open
Seats Available: 10/15
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.617 (01)
Seminar in Geosciences
W 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Gomes, Maya L
Olin 145
Spring 2025
This is a discussion-based course in which students take turns leading the discussion of geoscience science journal articles and other relevant publications.
Seminar in Geosciences AS.270.617 (01)
This is a discussion-based course in which students take turns leading the discussion of geoscience science journal articles and other relevant publications.
Days/Times: W 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructor: Gomes, Maya L
Room: Olin 145
Status: Open
Seats Available: 14/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.662 (01)
Seminar in Planetary Science
F 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Horst, Sarah
Olin 145
Spring 2025
This is a discussion-based course in which students take turns leading the discussion of planetary science journal articles and other relevant publications.
Seminar in Planetary Science AS.270.662 (01)
This is a discussion-based course in which students take turns leading the discussion of planetary science journal articles and other relevant publications.
Days/Times: F 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Instructor: Horst, Sarah
Room: Olin 145
Status: Open
Seats Available: 7/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.615 (01)
Inversion Modeling & Data Assimilation
TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Haine, Thomas
Olin 145
Spring 2025
This graduate class will introduce modern inverse modeling and data assimilation techniques. These powerful methods are used in atmospheric science, oceanography, and geophysics and are growing more widespread. Topics will include: singular value decomposition, Green’s function inversions, Kalman filtering, and variational data assimilation. The class will include lectures on concepts and theory, and practical experience in the computer laboratory.
Permission of Instructor Required
Inversion Modeling & Data Assimilation AS.270.615 (01)
This graduate class will introduce modern inverse modeling and data assimilation techniques. These powerful methods are used in atmospheric science, oceanography, and geophysics and are growing more widespread. Topics will include: singular value decomposition, Green’s function inversions, Kalman filtering, and variational data assimilation. The class will include lectures on concepts and theory, and practical experience in the computer laboratory.
Permission of Instructor Required
Days/Times: TTh 9:00AM - 10:15AM
Instructor: Haine, Thomas
Room: Olin 145
Status: Open
Seats Available: 5/20
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.630 (01)
Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols
TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Horst, Sarah
Olin 145
Spring 2025
This course will cover fundamentals of aerosol physics and chemistry. Topics covered will include aerodynamics and diffusion of aerosol particles, condensation and evaporation, particle size distributions, optics of small particles, characterization of particle composition, and the diversity of aerosols found in planetary atmospheres.
Recommended Course Background: Basic Physics and Chemistry. Calculus.
Physics and Chemistry of Aerosols AS.270.630 (01)
This course will cover fundamentals of aerosol physics and chemistry. Topics covered will include aerodynamics and diffusion of aerosol particles, condensation and evaporation, particle size distributions, optics of small particles, characterization of particle composition, and the diversity of aerosols found in planetary atmospheres.
Recommended Course Background: Basic Physics and Chemistry. Calculus.
Days/Times: TTh 1:30PM - 2:45PM
Instructor: Horst, Sarah
Room: Olin 145
Status: Open
Seats Available: 4/10
PosTag(s): n/a
AS.270.695 (01)
Graduate Skills in Earth and Planetary Sciences
W 10:30AM - 11:30AM
Smith, Emmy
Olin 145
Spring 2025
This seminar-style course will enable graduate students in Earth and Planetary Sciences to discuss issues and develop skills relevant to working in earth and planetary science fields. Topics will vary each iteration and may include graduate school expectations, research and communication methods, grant and funding procedures, stress management, organization and management methods, critical conversations, work-life balance, career paths, and JEDI issues and resources in the geosciences. Course open to EPS Graduate Students or by Instructor Permission
Graduate Skills in Earth and Planetary Sciences AS.270.695 (01)
This seminar-style course will enable graduate students in Earth and Planetary Sciences to discuss issues and develop skills relevant to working in earth and planetary science fields. Topics will vary each iteration and may include graduate school expectations, research and communication methods, grant and funding procedures, stress management, organization and management methods, critical conversations, work-life balance, career paths, and JEDI issues and resources in the geosciences. Course open to EPS Graduate Students or by Instructor Permission