Check out Junellie’s published Astrobites post on important questions to ask when making graduate school decisions. Great work Junellie!
News & Announcements Archive
Sabine Stanley named vice provost
Professor Stanley has been selected for the role of vice provost of graduate and professional education at Johns Hopkins University.
Graduate Student Awards
The Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences is pleased to announce the competition for Graduate Student Awards. The awards are supported by the Bascom Fund and the Department. They provide […]
Early-Career Award
The Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences is pleased to announce the competition for the Early-Career Award. The award is supported by the Department. It provides financial support to early-career […]
Defending Baltimore Against Climate Change
A new partnership between Baltimore researchers and community organizations, led by EPS faculty member Benjamin Zaitchik, has received funding to advance understanding of environmental conditions at the neighborhood level and prioritize […]
Space@Hopkins 2023: Call for Seed Grant proposals
The 2023 Space@Hopkins Seed Grant program, with grants of up to $25,000 for one year, is now open for proposals for space-related projects. Topics of the proposed projects may include, […]
EPS Graduate Student Junellie Gonzalez Quiles selected as a NASA ExoExplorer!
The Exoplanet Explorers (ExoExplorers) Science Series aims to enable the professional development of a cohort of graduate students and/or postdocs in exoplanet research. Junellie will also be featured in a […]
News Feature in Science Magazine on research by Prof. Sarah Hörst and her group
“Lifting the veil: Astronomers conjure up the hazes that obscure alien worlds” features the research of Prof. Sarah Hörst, Research Scientist Chao He, and group alumni Dr. Sarah Moran and […]
EPS Associate Research Scientist selected for an AGU research spotlight
The latest paper by EPS Associate Research Scientist Renske Gelderloos has been selected for an AGU research spotlight.
The Morton K. Blaustein Postdoctoral Fellowship is open for applications
The Johns Hopkins University invites applications for the Morton K. Blaustein Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. We seek outstanding individuals with a recent Ph.D. in […]