News & Announcements Archive

Prof. Sarah Hörst receives tenure

Prof. Sarah Hörst receives tenure

The Morton K. Blaustein Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences congratulates our colleague Sarah Hörst, whose promotion to Associate Professor with tenure was approved by the Board of Trustees on […]

EPS graduate student featured in CNN coverage of Arecibo telescope

EPS graduate student featured in CNN coverage of Arecibo telescope

In the wake of the Dec. 1 collapse of Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Radio Telescope, CNN has interviewed EPS graduate student Junellie González Quiles, who describes the telescope’s impact on her […]

Sarah Hörst Wins AGU Medal

Sarah Hörst Wins AGU Medal

The Morton K. Blaustein Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences congratulates our colleague professor Sarah Hörst, who is a recipient of the 2020 James B. Macelwane medal from the American Geophysical Union.  Each […]

EPS researcher awarded NSF postdoctoral fellowship

EPS researcher awarded NSF postdoctoral fellowship

Congratulations to postdoctoral fellow Dr. Melissa Sims for being awarded a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Division of Earth Sciences! The project is titled “Windows into Ancient Impacts: […]